Friday, January 11, 2008

Article 54

Beta Carotin

Beta Carotin is one the Carotinoide existing over 400 in nature. Carotinoide are coloring materials, which arise in numerous plants. Beta Carotin is the most frequently occurring and most well-known Carotinoid.beta Carotin molecule can theoretically into two Vitamin of A-molecules be split. Therefore it is called also Provitamin A. however only one part of the beta Carotin in the human body to Vitamin A is converted. The remainder is stored. In addition the portion of the beta Carotin in the body, converted to Vitamin A, of the status already existing is regulated, so that it can come to no Vitamin A intoxication. Only about 50 Carotinoide possess Provitamin A-effect, and of it beta Carotin is the most active

The best sources of the beta Carotin are orange low-yellow and/or fruits and vegetables as well as dark-green sheet vegetables like for example:

* yellow and/or orange vegetable: Carrots, Bataten (sweet potatoes),; * yellow and/or orange fruits: Apricots, Cantaloupe melons, Papayas, Mangos, Carambolas, nectarines, peaches; * dark-green sheet vegetables: Spinach, Brokkoli, Endivien, Chicor, e, Kresse * as well as the sheets of red patches, white carrots and dandelion; * other vegetable and fruit which is applicable as source: Tomatoes, asparagus, peas, Kohl, Mais, Sauerkirschen, Pflaumen.

The content of beta Carotin in fruit and vegetables can vary: It depends on the respective sort, the season or the degree the ripe one. The bio-availability of beta Carotin from fruits and vegetables depends on the preparation before the consumption. Any referring to the actual beta Carotin content can be thus only estimations.

The following short overview points the beta Carotin content out per 100 9 edible portion:

* Vegetable: Carrots (6.6 mg), Kresse (5.6 mg), spinach (4.9 mg), Brokkoli (1.5 mg), tomatoes (0.5 mg). Fruits: Mangos (2.9 mg), melons (2.0 mg), apricots (1.6 mg), peaches (0.5 mg), oranges (0.1 mg).

Storage in the body Gallensalze are needed for the absorption of the beta Carotin in the upper small intestine. Many factors in the food, so for example fat and proteins, can affect this admission. Approximately ten to fifty per cent of the entire supplied BetaCarotin in the Gastro intestinal tract are absorbed. The portion of the absorbed beta Carotin is reduced with rising supply. Within the intestinal mucosa (Mukosa) beta Carotin is converted with the help of the enzyme Beta-Carotin-15,15' Dioxygenase into Vitamin A (Retinol). This mechanism is adjusted by the Vitamin A status of the respective person. As soon as the body has enough Vitamin A, less beta Carotin is converted. Therefore beta Carotin is a Vitamin A resource of high security. An excessive supply does not lead to a Vitamin A Hypervitaminose. Surplus beta Carotin is predominantly stored in the fat fabrics of the body. The accumulations of fat of adults are often yellow due to the stored Carotin, while they are white with children. A redundant beta Carotin consumption can lead to yellowish skin color, which disappears however after reduction and/or attitude of the supply rapidly. Stability The content of active Carotinoiden in food can decrease something during the storage process. This is the result of enzyme reactions and the effect of light and oxygen. The hydrogenation of plant fats and the drying process of fruit and vegetable are two food-technical procedures, which reduce the biological activity of the Carotinoide substantially. With frozen food against it this activity remains stable. Fundamental reciprocal effects Tobacco smoking and consumption of alcohol let the beta Carotin mirror drop noticeably. Supply/Versorgungastatus Many scientists attribute a protecting effect to the supply of at beta Carotin rich fruits and vegetables with the emergence of certain kinds of cancer. A high supply and/or a very good supplying status of this nutrient is particularly brought to the cancer of the lungs with a reduced occurrence of certain cancer forms, in connection. Groups of risks for a low beta Carotin status

Since it was scientifically confirmed in the meantime that the BetaCarotin need lies substantially more highly than in former times was accepted, one is today convinced of the fact that many humans do not take up sufficient BetaCarotin with the food. Although this applies to the largest part of the population, there are special groups, at which one tightened beta Carotin mirrors in the blood, dropped strongly. In addition belong regular smokers and consumption of alcohol ducks as well as pregnant woman and satisfying women. The Carotinold mirrors in the blood are in principle low under the influence of diseases, with which the fat absorption is impaired, e.g. Sprue and jaundice. Other diseases such as living ore erring trousers and Rheumatismus affect the beta Carotin equilibrium likewise negatively. Recommendations for the daily supply The supply of beta Carotin from food is in the meantime a component of the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowances = recommendations for the daily nutrient supply) for Vitamin A in the USA. In the Federal Republic of Germany from the German society for nutrition (DGE) for healthy adults a daily supply from 0,8 to 1,1mg will consider Vitamin - A recommended - without the BetaCarotin admission explicitly. For pregnant woman and satisfying women an increased demand is indicated by 300 RH and/or 1,000 RH. With children the recommendation reads depending upon age of 400 RH for infants to 900 RH for 10 - to 12jährige. Investigations in the USA for example have resulted in that about half Vitamin of A is supplied by way of the average nutrition, from BetaCarotin originate. After computations on the basis of the consumption statistics of the nourishing report 1984 the DGE in the Federal Republic of only approx. 20 per cent Vitamin of A over beta Carotin are supplied. In accordance with the nourishing recommendations of the NCI (national CAN cerium of institutes) of the United States the ideal relationship beta Carotin/Vitamin A lies in the food consumption with 90:10. Beta Carotin does not however only have Provitamin A function, but is like studies occupies - also its own micro nutrient. Nevertheless still no official data for the height of the beta Carotin daily requirement exist. Nevertheless scientific and national organizations endorse like the NCI and the American Ministry Of Agriculture the consumption of beta Carotin rich food. The suggested quantities correspond to one repeated ones of the average beta Carotin value, which is reached in the nutrition of the US citizens. The average food in America contains approximately 1.5 mg beta Carotin daily, whereas the NCI recommendations correspond converted to a quantity of approximately 6 mg per day. Security Due to the regulated transformation of beta Carotin in Vitamin A an excessive consumption does not release Vitamin A intoxication. The gift of very large quantities of Carotinoiden with certain disease arrangements (Hyperlipidämie, diabetes mellitus, Nephroti syndrome, Hypothyreose) can release a Hypercarotinämie, which expresses itself in a yellow colouring of the skin, mainly on the palms and at the soles. The yellow color disappears, as soon as the Carotinoid supply is reduced or adjusted. Investigations at humans were accomplished, in order to occupy security from beta Carotin to. With patients with luminous sensivity as with the Erythropoeti Protoporphyrie even with over years an accomplished oral admission of 50 to 200 mg beta Carotin per day no unfavorable effects were observed. Food enrichment and - technology Margarine and fruit beverages are often enriched with beta Carotin. 1941 led the FDA (Food and Drug administration) in the USA a standardisation for the enrichment of margarine with Vitamin a A. in Germany Vitamin A of the margarine for approximately 50 years are likewise added. Meanwhile the Vitamin A was partly replaced by beta Carotin, whereby the margarine receives also its attractive yellow color. One recognized that beta Carotin is suitable due to its large safety framework for the food enrichment substantially better than Vitamin A. beta Carotin may in the Federal Republic of all food without special permission is added.

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