Friday, January 11, 2008

Article 44

Leading Causes of Death

Below you will find the leading causes of death in 1997 and the number of Americans who died from each. This is what we have to look forward to with our advanced medical system in America. This information is based on an annual review of death certificates by the National Center for Health Statistics.

Interestingly, laws have recently been passed forbidding the listing of the cause of death, on death certificates. That is a big problem.

The bottom line is results, isn't it? How are these for results? Not so good.

1. Heart disease, 725,790 - 83 people per hour. 2. Cancer, 537,390 - 61 people per hour.

*** NOTE: This llist should have included another category at No. 3 - 250,000 from Iatrogenic causes. That is, induced in a patient by a physician's activity, manner, or therapy. This was reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

3. Stroke, 159,877 - 18 people per hour. 4. Lung disease, 110,637. 5. Accidents, 92,191. 6. Pneumonia and influenza, 88,383. 7. Diabetes, 62,332. 8. Suicide, 29,725. 9. Kidney disease, 25,570. 10. Liver disease, 24,765. 11. Blood poisoning, 22,604. 12. Alzheimer's disease, 22,527. 13. Homicide, 18,774. 14. HIV and AIDS, 16,685. 15. Hardening of arteries, 15,884 2 people per hour. All other causes, 361,635.

***Please note: People used to die peacefully in their sleep. Many no longer do that.

One thing that those in authority often fail to mention is that many of these diseases are INCREDIBLY PAINFUL - often for weeks or even months at a time. Cancer can be particularly painful. One woman I knew who died of cancer died screaming of pain in her husbands arms.

Having a heart attack also hurts A LOT.

Set yourself a goal to leave your body painlessly and peacefully when the time comes and start to do now what is necessary for this to happen.

You really do need to look after your health yourself. Just some of the things that could be important are:

Improve your diet

Remove negative electro-magnetic radiation from your surroundings

Clear up negative emotions

Chelate heavy metals from your body

Remove parasites from your body

Do colon cleanses and gallstone cleanses

Get some kinesiology balances Remove negativity from your life

Copyright ©: Stephanie Relfe - 2006

Permission is granted to use this article in whole or part if you acknowledge the author and quote and link to

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