Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Article 139

Ayurveda - Weight Loss Product

Ayurveda is a holistic healing science which comprises of two words, Ayu and Veda. Ayu means life and Veda means knowledge or science. So the literal meaning of the word Ayurveda is the science of life. Ayurveda is a science dealing not only with treatment of some diseases but is a complete way of life.

Ayurveda aims at making a happy, healthy and peaceful society. The two most important aims of Ayurveda are:

+ To maintain the health of an healthy people
+ To cure the diseases of sick people

Ayurveda is a medical science practiced in India since time immemorial and is generally known today as the Indian System of Medicine. The way Allopathic or Western medicine is practiced all over the world today. Similarly Ayurveda was practiced and recognized not only in India, but also in other Eastern countries. Ayurveda is a well - developed and completely refined medical science of antiquity and it will not be an exaggeration to call it the 'Science of Life'.

Ayurveda deals with subjects like treatment of diseases (Roga - chikitsa), diet & behavioral regimen (Ahara - vihara), daily regimen (Dinacharya). Seasonal regimen (Ritucharya) and such. In a nut shell, it contains the complete knowledge of physical as well as mental diseases, methods of treatment and prevention of diseases, and equally important, methods of protection and preservation of general health.

'Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam aturasya vikara prashamanam'

This concept of giving as much importance to 'maintenance' of health than treatment has earned a place even in WHO (World Health Organization) as the 'only' appropriate definition of health amongst all medical sciences.

Health is the supreme foundation of virtue, wealth, enjoyment and salvation. So when fighting against diseases and premature death, man has drug as weapon. In the search of these drugs and preparing them in a variety way to suit the varied needs and tasted of man under varied circumstances there grew up the science of pharmacy and chemistry. It is firm belief of scholars of Ayurveda that human being is a part parcel of nature. Whatever material which constitutes the physical nature also contributes to the composition of human being.

Dravya Guna is a special and independent branch of Ayurveda which keeps its importance and existence separately. It deals with numerous drugs along with their wide range of therapeutic uses. The importance of this branch in today's globalising world is existing due to endurable effect and relatively safety.

Why Ayurveda?

For centuries together, Ayurveda has served a million of people by offering the complete medical therapy for a vast amount of acute as well as chronic diseases. Ayurveda, though neglected in the present scenario, has served as the origin of many minor alternative-healing therapies such as massage, Marma therapy, naturotherapy and many others.

Also, Ayurveda is the pioneer of the art of surgery, which has advanced at present as the curative therapy by using the most complex techniques. More than treating the diseases, Ayurveda firmly puts forward the theory to maintain health. For this purpose, Ayurveda has described in detail the daily regimen as well as seasonal regimen and ethical regimen.

For curing the diseases, Ayurveda insists on trapping the further development of disease right at its base, treating and eradicating the root cause of the ailment instead of satisfying the patient with symptomatic relief.

The thousands of simple prescriptions hidden and scattered throughout the ancient Ayurvedic Scriptures, still serve as home remedies for most of the common health problems even in the present times, irrespective of the vast change and increasing complexity in the life style of the people.

Ayurveda offers some excellent para surgical therapies, which serve the dual purpose of eradicating the chronic disease as well as avoiding the complex surgical procedures, such as KsharaKarma (Alkali Therapy), Agni Karma (Cauterization) and the procedures included in the Panchakarma therapy.

In contrary to the popular misbelief, Ayurveda is not a mere alternative therapy but a way of life, which, if followed religiously, can help one to attain a better physical, emotional, social and Spiritual life through which one can attain:

+ Dharma (One's duty towards one's own self and society)
+ Artha (Knowledge of all things and earning the required money)
+ Kama (Fulfilment of all the worldly desires)
+ Moksha (Salvation)

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