Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Article 144

Ayurveda - Eating and Cleaning

Ayurveda gives great importance to these two factors, considering them the most important things in achieving a healthy way of life. As a result of inappropriate food, "ama" - toxins build up in our organism. They are food for bacteria and viruses, they cause allergies and depression.

It is enough to reconsider the way we look at food to decrease the level of ama, and thus, lessen the risk of illnesses. Still, no matter how hard we try, it is very hard to achieve perfection, therefore, from time to time, we need to completely clean our organism.

Every Ayurvedic program contains enemas, cleaning procedures with boiled in water, butter, and milk healing herbs. Herbs are chosen individually. Our local herbs, like milfoil, chamomile, and nettle can be used.

For example, in Western clinics it is widespread practice to use local herbs, which were grown in ecologically clean areas. Although such clinics is not strictly Ayurvedic, the cleansing and rejuvenating methods we use agree with Ayurveda's main principle.

As an addition to cleaning preparations, Ayurveda recommends natural stimulants and special mixtures - jams, such as Chayavanprash, which are made from more than 100 minerals, herbs, and metals that have a very strong stimulating effect. They stimulate mental activity, clean the skin, normalize the peristaltic of the intestines, and the work of the inner organs.

Now, it is easy to buy such preparations - they are licensed and are prepared well on quality equipment. They are now also available in Western countries. These countries have been using healing herb recipes of Ayurveda for a long time.

For example, Germany, which is sensitive to money and will not pay too much for some mystification, has been the biggest client of Ayurvedic productions in Europe since the 70s. There are many German sites and special courses for those, who want to study Ayurvedic science.

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