Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Article 143

Ayurveda - Modern Adaptation

Ayurveda arises a question in many people: how suitable are the recipes that were created thousands of years ago in India, for the modern Western civilization?

A big scientific research is being conducted now. This research confirms the hypothesis of ancient doctors about the ageing processes in the organism, which lead to different diseases. Research is being conducted in the area of oncology and allergology, the methods of controlling allergic reactions and stimulating the immune system are being studied.

Study shows that ancient science, which was mostly led by intuitiveness, came to the same conclusions. Modern scientists with Western education use the knowledge of Ayurveda, after adapting it to the modern circumstances. For example, different herb preparations are created more efficiently by using herb extracts, instead of pure herbs.

Based on ancient knowledge, new technological methods for getting preparations and medicines are created. Therefore, no one can blame Ayurveda for being a stagnant and old science, which cannot be transformed in any way.

On the contrary, it is a live science, and the increasing number of doctors that use this knowledge practically means that they will develop and transform according to needs of modern civilization.

However, if you study Ayurveda attentively, it becomes obvious that most of its recommendations and recipes don't need any adaptation at all. For example, Ayurveda not only allows us, but even recommends us to use products that grow in our country. We don't have to eat only exotic food that only grows in India.

It is enough to understand the meaning of recommendations about preferred products and ways of cooking them (the ingredients, temperature, time of eating and so on) to get results from treatment. Food has to be medicine, and medicine has to be food. And if our north climate makes us spend a lot of calories, to keep the organism active, then our food has to have more calories than food in warm countries. We can Ayurveda, and be right, in any climate, social and other circumstances.

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