Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Article 142

Ayurveda Training

Ayurveda training is founded on the principles of preventing disease, treating disorders, and bringing the body into balance. Ayurveda schools educate students about ayurveda sciences, which are comprised of many alternative health sciences, but focus primarily on Ayurvedic techniques and practices. Curriculums include Ayurvedic perspectives of the human anatomy, Hinduism, Sanskrit, Chikitsa-treatment, Yoga, Mantra, sound therapy, aromatherapy, color therapy, gem therapy, and the use of medicinal herbs and herbal therapy.

Ayurveda school sciences actively promote toxin elimination from the body that increase immunity and bring about overall well-being. They teach students to balance the "dosha," one of the three biological humors or energies (kapha, pitta, vata) which combine in various proportions to determine individual constitution and mental and physical disorders. At Ayurveda school, students also learn methods to improve digestive functions, and enhance the body's immune system, and develop spiritual growth. Ayurveda schools instruct in therapeutically balanced diets, weight loss, exercise and meditation, and massage therapy.

Ayurveda school tuitions range between $1,000 and $2,000 per semester. Ayurveda school certification takes approximately one to two years to complete on a part-time basis. There are currently no licensing requirements for Ayurveda practitioners, however a group of practitioners and instructors are in discussions to create state and national professional associations focused on licensing and certification requirements of Ayurveda practices. Ayurveda school medical degrees are not recognized or regulated in the U.S. or Canada, but in India, Ayurveda practitioners receive state-recognized, institutionalized training that parallels an education in traditional medicine.

If you are interested in learning more about Ayurveda Schools and programs of study, search our site for more in-depth information and resources.

Copyright 2006 - All Rights Reserved Michael Bustamante, in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for

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